E-ISSN 2458-9101 | ISSN 1302-1192

Case Report 

Paroxysmal Nocturnal Sleep Disorder with Atypic Clinical Appearance and Therapy with Sleep Hygiene: A Case Report

Elif Ozcan, Esat Fahri Aydin, Halil Ozcan.

Characterizing the nature of complex nocturnal behaviors is one of the most difficult diagnostic challenges in sleep medicine. Repeated nocturnal paroxysmal events have a broad differential diagnosis, including epileptic seizures, sleep disorders, and others. The factors that facilitate and/or trigger sleep-related paroxysms can be categorized as having genetic and familial predisposition, external factors that disturb the micro and macro structure of sleep (e.g. light, noise), substance abuse and accompanying psychiatric, neurologic and metabolic disorders. Sleep hygiene refers to a list of behaviors, environmental conditions, and other sleep-related factors that can be adjusted as a stand-alone treatment or component of multimodal treatment for patients with insomnia. Sleep hygiene is very important for having a healthy physical and mental life as well as for the treatment of some sleep disorders. Here we report a patient with paroxysmal nocturnal sleep disorder with a different clinical appearance, facilitated by the emergence of a variety of predisposing factors and successfully treated only with sleep hygiene for a few days.

Key words: nocturnal behaviors, sleep hygiene, undefined sleep-wake disorder

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Pubmed Style

Elif Ozcan, Esat Fahri Aydin, Halil Ozcan. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Sleep Disorder with Atypic Clinical Appearance and Therapy with Sleep Hygiene: A Case Report. Sleep Hypn. 2017; 19(1): 18-20.

Web Style

Elif Ozcan, Esat Fahri Aydin, Halil Ozcan. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Sleep Disorder with Atypic Clinical Appearance and Therapy with Sleep Hygiene: A Case Report. https://www.sleepandhypnosis.com/?mno=223665 [Access: August 05, 2024].

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Elif Ozcan, Esat Fahri Aydin, Halil Ozcan. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Sleep Disorder with Atypic Clinical Appearance and Therapy with Sleep Hygiene: A Case Report. Sleep Hypn. 2017; 19(1): 18-20.

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Elif Ozcan, Esat Fahri Aydin, Halil Ozcan. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Sleep Disorder with Atypic Clinical Appearance and Therapy with Sleep Hygiene: A Case Report. Sleep Hypn. (2017), [cited August 05, 2024]; 19(1): 18-20.

Harvard Style

Elif Ozcan, Esat Fahri Aydin, Halil Ozcan (2017) Paroxysmal Nocturnal Sleep Disorder with Atypic Clinical Appearance and Therapy with Sleep Hygiene: A Case Report. Sleep Hypn, 19 (1), 18-20.

Turabian Style

Elif Ozcan, Esat Fahri Aydin, Halil Ozcan. 2017. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Sleep Disorder with Atypic Clinical Appearance and Therapy with Sleep Hygiene: A Case Report. Sleep and Hypnosis, 19 (1), 18-20.

Chicago Style

Elif Ozcan, Esat Fahri Aydin, Halil Ozcan. "Paroxysmal Nocturnal Sleep Disorder with Atypic Clinical Appearance and Therapy with Sleep Hygiene: A Case Report." Sleep and Hypnosis 19 (2017), 18-20.

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Elif Ozcan, Esat Fahri Aydin, Halil Ozcan. "Paroxysmal Nocturnal Sleep Disorder with Atypic Clinical Appearance and Therapy with Sleep Hygiene: A Case Report." Sleep and Hypnosis 19.1 (2017), 18-20. Print.

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Elif Ozcan, Esat Fahri Aydin, Halil Ozcan (2017) Paroxysmal Nocturnal Sleep Disorder with Atypic Clinical Appearance and Therapy with Sleep Hygiene: A Case Report. Sleep and Hypnosis, 19 (1), 18-20.