E-ISSN 2458-9101 | ISSN 1302-1192

Manuscript Submission Guidelines 

As an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, Sleep and Hypnosis: A Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and Psychopathology provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific research in the areas of sleep, dreaming, chronobiology, trauma and stressor-related disorders, somatic symptom and related disorders, psychotherapy, and experimental psychopathology. The journal does not charge a publication fee, and generally completes the review process within eight (8) weeks of receipt of a manuscript. 

PLEASE NOTE THAT there are no strict requirements on reference formatting at the first submission. References may be in any writing style and reference format as long as the style is consistent. Submission to the Sleep and Hypnosis: A Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and Psychopathology is taken by the journal to mean that the writing style and reference formats used by the journal (APA Reference Style) will be applied to the accepted manuscript by the authors at the proof stage. EndNote output style of the journal can be downloaded from here.

Papers have no limits in length and number of tables/figures or references. If authors submit suitable color figures with their accepted manuscript, the Sleep and Hypnosis will publish these figures at no charge. 

Authors are requested to submit their articles electronically by using the online submission and review system eJManager.
If you would like to submit a manuscript, please go to http://my.ejmanager.com/sh/.
If you are a new user, please go to Register.

To ensure a timely publication process, authors are asked to read the following instructions carefully.

General Policies
The submission of a paper to Sleep and Hypnosis: A Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and Psychopathology is understood to imply that:

•Data contained therein has not previously been published (except in abstract format) and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
•The submitted manuscripts cannot be concurrently submitted or published by print or electronic or any other type of publication.
•The article should be prepared in English.

Submission Categories
Sleep and Hypnosis: A Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and Psychopathology considers papers for publication in the following categories: 

•Research article
•Review article (should be at least 5000 words)

•Commentary (is a mini review less than 5000 words)

•Case report
•Letter to the Editor
•Book review

None of these submission categories have limits in terms of numbers of words, tables/figures, and references.

Manuscript Submission
Sleep and Hypnosis: A Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and Psychopathology is not responsible in case any manuscript, or any part of it is lost. 

All materials should be submitted and revised electronically using EjManager. To submit a manuscript, please go to http://my.ejmanager.com/sh/.

Copyright Transfer
Copyright ownership of manuscripts must be transferred to the Publisher by signature of authorized corresponding author during the submission of the manuscript. The Journal does not require all authors of a manuscript to sign for copyright assignment. The Copyright Transfer Form should be signed by authorized corresponding author and submitted to EjManager along with the manuscript. The Copyright Transfer Form can be downloaded in PDF format from here.

Manuscript Preparation
The manuscript should be submitted as a Word document. Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout, including title page, abstract, text, references, tables, and figures. Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. Each section should begin on a separate page, and the sections should be arranged in the following order: (1) abstract and key words, (2) main text, (3) references, (4) tables, and (5) figures. Tables and/or figures should be appended at the end of the manuscript. Each table and figure should be provided on a separate sheet.

Title Page (should be submitted separately)
Title page should include full names of authors, academic or professional affiliations, complete address and e-mail address with phone and fax numbers of the corresponding author. 

An abstract is to be provided, preferably no longer than 250 words. 

Up to eight keywords should be included for indexing in all manuscripts. Keywords should differ from the words included in the title of the manuscript.

Authors should state the objective of the research.

Methods and materials should be provided in detail.

Results should be described clearly and in a logical order. 

Results should be interpreted in light of previous work. A limitation paragraph should be included near the end of the section.

Individuals who supported the authors during the research, and funding sources or grand(s) should be acknowledged in here. Authors are requested to identify and briefly describe the role of the financial support, if any, for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article.

Conflicts of Interest
Authors are required to provide either a statement indicating potential conflicts of interest involving their article or a statement that they have no potential conflicts. If there are no conflicts of interest then please state this: “The authors do not declare any conflict of interest."

For writing style and reference formats, Sleep and Hypnosis: A Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and Psychopathology uses the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition).  EndNote output style of the journal can be downloaded from here.

Examples of basic reference formats:
Journal Article:
Agargün, M. Y., Kara, H., & Solmaz, M. (1997). Sleep disturbances and suicidal behavior in patients with major depression. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 58(6), 249-251.
Hilgard, E. R., & Hilgard, J. R. (1994). Hypnosis in the relief of pain. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers.
Book Chapter:
Kupfer, D. J., & Reynolds, C. F. (1992). Sleep and affective disorders. In E. S. Paykel (Ed.),Handbook of affective disorders (pp. 311-323). Edinburgh:Churchill Livingstone.

Figures and Tables
Tables and/or figures should be appended at the end of article and numbered with Arabic numerals in order of their mention in text. Type reference lists, tables, and figures on separate sheets. 

Each table requires a title and should be numbered in the order of their mention in text. Tables should bear Arabic numerals and be typed on separate sheets of paper. Each figure requires a legend and should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of their mention in text.

Authors can supply black and white or color illustrations (TIFF or JPEG, minimum of 300 dpi is recommended), grayscale photographs (TIFF or JPEG, minimum of 500 dpi is recommended), and bitmapped line drawings with pure black and white pixels (TIFF or JPEG, minimum of 1000 dpi is recommended). Authors are recommended not to supply files too low in resolution; disproportionately large for the content, and developed for screen use (e.g., GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG).

Authors are responsible for securing all required permissions from the copyright holder to use copyrighted material in articles published in Sleep and Hypnosis and paying any associated fees. Use a permission statement in line with the exact wording required by the copyright holder. All permission grants must be sent to the Editorial Office via e-mail during the submission.

Sleep and Hypnosis authors can reuse any proportion of their own work, and/or their own figures, tables, illustrations or any types of materials of their own, the copyright of which do not belong to another rights holder, without obtaining permission from Yerküre Publishing. The authors are responsible for giving full bibliographic reference for the original Article published in Sleep and Hypnosis and providing appropriate acknowledgement to Yerküre Publishing as follows:

Reproduced from ( Ref XX ) with the permission of Sleep and Hypnosis Editorial Board and Yerkure Publishing.

This reuse permission is granted to the Sleep and Hypnosis authors means that the Publisher reserves all rights, and any rights assigned to Yerkure Publishing cannot be sublicensed, assigned, or transferred to any other third parties.

All the uses of Sleep And Hypnosis content, other than reuse of authors’ their own work, are subject to permission. The permission request form can be downloaded in PDF format from here.

The Publisher and Editors cannot be held responsible or liable for the contents, errors/omissions, or any direct or indirect consequences arising from the reuse of information contained in the journal. If any part of the content or material appears in the publication with credit or acknowledgement to another source is intended to be reused, it is the responsibility of user to secure all required permissions from the rights holder.

Proofs and Reprints
After acceptance, manuscripts are forwarded to the publisher. The corresponding author receives proofs approximately within 4 weeks following the acceptance of the mansucript. The proofs must be corrected and returned to the publisher within 48 hours of receipt. Late return of proofs may cause delay in publication. Text, tables, legends, and references must be checked carefully. 

Online Ahead of Print
The Corrected Proof is published Online Ahead of Print with a digital object identifier (DOI) number. The manuscripts published as Online Ahead of Print Publication can be cited as follows:

Author(s). (Year - the date manuscript published Online Ahead of Print). Manuscript title. Sleep and Hypnosis. DOI number.

When the manuscript is assigned to a volume and issue of Sleep and Hypnosis, the Online Ahead of Print version will be removed and the Print version will appear online, including the year of publication and the volume, issue, and pagination.

The corresponding author, at no cost, will be provided with a PDF file of the manuscript via e-mail. Paper offprints can be ordered via e-mail prior to publication at the prices quoted, using the reprint order form. More questions regarding publication, reprints, proofs, etc. can be addressed to the publisher.

The journal requires approval of manuscript submission by all authors in addition to transfer of copyright to the Yerkure so that the author(s) and the publisher are protected from misuse of copyrighted material. A covering letter signed by all authors constitutes submission approval. Manuscripts will not receive a final decision until a completed copyright transfer form has been received. As soon as the article is published, the author is to have considered transferred his right to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under Turkish Copyright Law. 

All concepts, ideas, comments, manuscripts, illustrations, and all other materials disclosed or offered to Yerkure on or in connection with this Journal are submitted without any restrictions or expectation of confidentiality. Yerkure shall have no financial or other obligations to you when you submit such information, nor shall you assert any proprietary or moral right of any kind with respect to such submissions. Yerkure shall have the right to use, publish, reproduce, transmit, download, upload, post, display or otherwise distribute your submissions in any manner without notice or compensation to you.